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작성자 Antonietta 작성일24-02-08 01:06 조회9회 댓글0건


Slim Electric Fireplace

Landscape Pro Slim is the perfect electric fireplace for those who want modern and sleek design. This slimline linear fire fits flush to an 2" 4" wall and comes with a variety of interchangeable media for the ember bed including coal and Crystal Stones.

This compact electric fire requires no chimneys or vents, and plugs into an outlet that is standard.


A modern electric fireplace can add style to your home. It's a convenient and secure alternative to traditional wood-burning fireplaces, which require chimneys, vents and release harmful smoke and soot. The slim electric fireplaces provide the same features and ambience like a real fire, without the hassle or cost. It is easy-to-install and can be used with or without heat. You can also set it to a timer which will shut off after a predetermined period of time. This model is ideal for small spaces, as it has a narrow width and is able to be tucked away against the wall.

This stylish electric fireplace comes in five different finishes including black and brushed nickel. It comes with interchangeable crystal and log inserts to suit your personal taste. It can be wired to the wall or plug-in. It will provide an attractive accent to any room. The remote control allows you to alter the intensity as well as the color and output of the heat. It is energy efficient and can be used all year round.

Landscape Pro Slim is a modern, high-tech product with a modern, attractive design. This stylish unit meets the HUD requirements for manufactured home and includes a built in thermostat, a heater that has 5000 BTUs which can heat up to 400 square foot, and multiple power settings. The fireplace is simple to use thanks to its WiFi App, remote control, and smart thermostat controls.

A compact electric fire is a great option for homeowners who want to stand out in their living spaces. A lot of models come with features that allow you to customize the ambience, for example, various themes and colors to suit different moods and activities. Certain models have LED-lit crystals and logs which you can change to match your decor.

If you're looking for a minimalist electric fireplace, you should consider the Napoleon CLEARion Elite 50". It is a slim depth that makes it perfect for smaller spaces. The glass ember bed reflect dancing flames and emits a variety of colors, creating a beautiful display. Its custom-designed features and advanced control options are sure to delight guests and family members.

Energy efficiency

If you're looking for a slim electric fireplace, you'll want to choose one that is visually appealing and energy efficient. There are a variety of models on the market that can meet both requirements. This model, for instance has an electric fire view, with an installation depth of just a few inches and an innovative touchscreen and remote control that allows you to alter the flames. It also comes with an auto-heat kill safety feature to keep the appliance from getting too hot.

They don't create creosote, and they don't require cleaning to remove ash. They also utilize LED bulbs that produce more realistic flames and produce heat more efficiently than other fireplaces. They're also safe to touch and do not emit any harmful gasses. Many of these fireplaces have a wide range of heat settings to suit different climates. Some even have a programable display that alters the flame color and ember bed at the touch of the button.

This model has a slim design that allows it to fit in 2" x 4' walls, which makes it ideal for apartments and condos with small spaces. It can be mounted on the wall or recessed for an uncluttered, frameless look. Its premium firebox has an exclusive 3-color LED light strip that allows for different flame and option for embers. It can be controlled by the remote included or via a an app for smartphones.

A slim electric fireplace can be a great addition to any room in your home, whether it's an apartment or a big family home. It's a great option for those who don't want to install a traditional wood burning fire place. It's also simple to install and doesn't need chimneys or vents.

When selecting an electric fireplace, select a model that has an extremely high BTU rating. This will ensure it has the heating power necessary to heat the space. It is important to keep in mind that the heating power of an electric fire is just one of the factors to consider when selecting the best one for your house. Other aspects include the size and insulation of your room and the climate in which you live, and your heating preferences.

The output of heat

Based on the model, your slim electric fireplace can produce between 750 and 1500 watts. Certain models let you choose from three flame settings and four ember bed colors to personalize your fireplace experience. Certain models have an inbuilt fan that distributes the heat throughout your home. In contrast to traditional fireplaces that burn wood, these models don't produce any pollutants and don't need to be vented.

Consider a slim wall-mount or recessed model if you are looking for a solution that isn't too big. These models are available in a variety of widths and feature a profile that is less than 5 inches. These models can be hardwired, plugged in or can heat up to 400 square foot rooms.

cali-wh-ef-floating-fireplace-tv-stand-for-tvs-up-to-80-modern-high-gloss-72-entertainment-center-wall-mounted-electric-fireplace-tv-media-console-with-storage-cabinets-40.jpgThere is also an array of decorative electric fires fireplace inserts that install inside an existing fireplace opening. They are typically constructed of metal and are available in both hardwired and plug-in versions. Certain models require airflow area at the back of the unit, but not all.

Amantii Napoleon and Dimplex are a few brands that offer slimline models. Amantii's FIRE & ICE(r) Series slimline electric fireplaces come with an expansive viewing area and a unique flame presentation that includes different effects and colors. This series is available as slim or recessed wall-mounts, or drywall receptacle mounting (no ventilation) applications.

Napoleon's AlluravisionTMSeries features a nearly frameless viewing area as well as multicolor flame and ember color combinations to match your home decor. The flame display is available with or without heating and comes with a glass media to further customize. You can also add LED NIGHT LIGHTTM to enhance the display and create a calming environment for your space.

Other features that are essential for your small electric fireplace are a thermostat and timer that can be programmed and a remote control. Certain manufacturers employ rotating mirrors and mirrors to create unique flame and ember effects. Also, look for models that use LED lights and mirrors to create realistic flame movements.


Electric fireplaces are a safe, non-toxic home heating option. Electric fireplaces can be installed anywhere in the house and they don't release harmful fumes. They do not require constant fresh air like traditional wood-burning fires which provides an additional layer of security for those who have pets or children. They are also more flexible than traditional wood or gas fireplaces because you can control the flame and heat settings using a remote.

When shopping for a slim electric fire to use, the BTU rating is the most important factor to consider. This measurement is the output of the fireplace. The higher the number the more powerful the unit will be. However, it is important to note that the heat output depends on a myriad of factors, such as the insulation in your home, the climate where you live, and the temperature setting. It is best to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and research the product thoroughly to ensure you are purchasing a secure, efficient model.

It is also important to choose a product that is UL-certified, and has been tested to meet certain safety standards. This will prevent you from buying a product that could cause harm to your health or the well-being your family. Keep the fireplace clear of things that can ignite like clothing, paper and wood. Also, make sure to periodically check the fireplace for any indications of wear and tear, since it may pose the risk of fire.

Another consideration when choosing an electric fireplace is if you want an pebble electric fire fireplace that is hardwired or plug-in. Hardwired models offer greater heat output, but they require an immediate connection to an electrical source for installation. Plug-in models can be powered by any standard wall socket with an appropriate power source. It is crucial to read and follow the instructions given by the manufacturer for installation and operation.

In addition, to ensure that your electric fireplace is connected to an outlet that is grounded and reliable and is essential to have a fireplace screen to keep children and pets from accidentally touching the hot surface. It is also essential to watch your children and pets around the fireplace to make sure they do not play with it or treat it as a toy.


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