Of the lesions, hospitalized total days, > 자유게시판

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Of the lesions, hospitalized total days,

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작성자 Linnea 작성일24-02-08 20:36 조회5회 댓글0건


bmjopen-2016-011824Of the lesions, hospitalized total days, bmjopen-2016-011824 title=View Abstract(s)">PubMed 2-Chloro-5,6-dihydro-7H-cyclopenta[b]pyridin-7-one ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12711626 amount of surgery procedures performed, functional sequelae, quality of the regenerated skin, and infectious complications, among many others. As this is only one patient presented here, a statistical analysis was not carried on yet to see the differences in wound healing between CMSC-treated wounds and non-CMSC-treated wounds.Fig. 1 Deep burn on the right thigh. Necrotic burned tissue was observed in the right thigh of the patient at admission to the hospitalResults Surgical complete debridement of the necrotic burned tissues were performed soon after admission of the patient and cell therapy applied immediately (Fig. 2). Probably due to some potential yet unknown properties of MSCs or any of its transportation materials, or by the simultaneous use of the polymeric transparent film as a dressing, lost of plasma was not a concern, necrotic tissues were not ever seen again after escharotomy at any site, and good blood supply without wound infection was always present after application of the stem cells (Fig. 3a). Bacteriological analysis of the wound surfaces and clinical observation did not show evidence of local infection at any time. BurnMansilla et al. Burns Trauma (2015) 3:Page 4 ofFig. 2 Deep early escharotomy. a Escharotomy of severely burned tissue was performed during the first surgerywounds were only washed with warm water and soap at the end of the first week after the cell treatment and every third or fourth day later on, always covering the lesions with the polymeric film. Antiseptics were not used at any time. The transparent film dressing did not ever stick to the wounded areas, and a yellowish fibrinoid material was always present and seen under it (Fig. 3f). Besides this observation, 1-(Cyclopropylsulfonyl)-1,4-diazepane other exudates were minimun under our film not needing any special drainage. An increasing progressive development of new capillaries were soon observed in the surface of all treated wounds. A "granulation tissuelike" appearance was evident in all the wounds by the fifth day, and from this moment, "hyper-granulation" also developed and persisted on all treated burn wounds (Fig. 3a ). There was a fast and significant improvement of the clinical condition of the patient, and pain in the burned areas decreased in intensity. A surprisingly early and not very well adherent thin epithelial growth was seen rapidly advancing from the wound edges in relation with the topical cell therapy, but the "granulation-like" wound surface remained almost unchanged in the center (Fig. 4a ). After 35 days of treatment with two courses of CMSCs application as described, the complete epithelialization of the wounds seemed to be too slow to be waited further. Then, after superficial surgical shaving of all the "hyper-granulating" areas, AMSG was applied. Skin grafts were obtained from the non-burned zones, meshed and used to cover the wound surfaces on every site. About 50 of the remainingwound surface was covered during a first operation, and additional transplantation of more auto-grafts were done after another week always using the polymeric film as a dressing. All AMSGs permanently adhered to the wounded surfaces and were always viable. Interestingly, the spaces inside the meshes seemed to rapidly and completely epithelialized in a very short PubMed ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22763976 period of time. The patient keeps continuously improving day after day, leaving the bed and starting walking and moving with significant freedom. He was finally discharged from.


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