Is Your Small Business Being Hurt By Fake Negative Online Reviews? > 자유게시판

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Is Your Small Business Being Hurt By Fake Negative Online Reviews?

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작성자 Julissa 작성일24-05-04 04:32 조회7회 댓글0건


24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the internet hums along. For the small business owner, this is a double edged sword.

On the one hand, the internet allows you to reach an unlimited number of local and national potential customers. It puts you in front of way more people than you possibly could reach in the days before the web. And, it allows for easy, cheap advertising on platforms like Google pay per click, social media sites, and blogs.

But, the other side of the coin is not so nice.

Your competitors have access to many sites that allow anonymous reviews. And, they take advantage of this by posting tons of fake, negative reviews so that your business looks bad and they look great. Has your business been effected by this type of sabotage?

Thousands of mom-and-pop and small businesses around the US have to deal with this on a daily basis. Tons of sites allow reviews to be posted by absolutely anyone...with no checking into the validity of the complaint. This allows competitors to run wild...posting any negative thing they can think about you and your business.

There have even been reports in major newspapers and television news shows about some businesses getting bad reviews online before they even open! A restaruant in San Fransisco was the target of this foolery. The place got multiple 1-star reviews...two full weeks before it even opened! Obviously, this was competitors looking to make trouble.

How can you fight this?

The fastest, most effective way is to simple counter the reviews with positive. Get on your computer and Klaudena Sitzkissen Scam start writing. Blog, write on friendly businesses' web sites/blogs, put out a press release in the news paper...just write! If you're not into doing it yourself, you can easily and cheaply hire someone to do it for you. Even a high school student can do the job. It's just a matter of writing and posting, writing and posting. The more positive, the better!

Do not argue on forums or web pages. If you see a review that you think is false, commpent on it in a professional way. If it was an actual incident, write what you did to rectify the situation. Don't come off as confrontational! Be simple, polite and direct.

Ask your favorite customers to post positive reviews and testimonials for you. You can offer them a coupon or something free in exchange for doing this. Most people are more than happy to do thsi for you!

If you do these things, your business can negate the fake negative reviews and also get a lot of positive reviews up.

To read more about how to beat negative, fake online reviews, check out Basement Services 911 Complaints and Basement Services 911 Reviews


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