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Answers about Men's Health

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작성자 Danielle 작성일24-05-29 18:32 조회8회 댓글0건


Sweat contains salt (sodium chloride) because your body loses electrolytes through sweat to regulate body temperature. To prevent excessive salt loss, it's impo
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What is female equivalent of prostate massage?

Asked by Wiki User

The female equivalent of prostate massage is G-spot stimulation. This involves applying pressure to the front wall of the vagina, about 2-3 inches in, to stimul
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Men's Health


Klinefelter's syndrome and XXY males are conditions that are caused by?

Asked by Wiki User

Klinefelter's syndrome and XXY males are conditions caused by the presence of an extra X chromosome in males. Typically, males have one X and one Y chromosome (
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Men's Health


What is the genotype for a girl with turners syndrome?

Asked by Wiki User

A girl with Turner syndrome typically has a genotype of 45,X, meaning she is missing one of the X chromosomes. This results in physical and developmental abnorm
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Women's Health


What substances are carried in the urethra?

Asked by Wiki User

Urine is the primary substance that is carried through the urethra from the bladder out of the body. In males, semen may also be carried through the urethra dur
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Men's Health


Can males with Klinefelter's syndrome have babies?

Asked by Wiki User

Males with Klinefelter's syndrome typically have impaired fertility, but some may still be able to father children through assisted reproductive techniques like
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Men's Health


What does mixed flora in urine mean?

Asked by Wiki User

Normally, urine is sterile. It is usually free of bacteria, viruses, and fungi but does contain fluids, salts, and waste products. Presence of 10000 or more bac
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Men's Health


Does x-inactivation happen in klinefelters syndrome?

Asked by Wiki User

X-inactivation typically occurs in individuals with Klinefelter syndrome, which is characterized by having an extra X chromosome (XXY). However, the extra X chr
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Men's Health


What do sperm cells divide into?

Asked by Wiki User

Sperm cells undergo a process called spermatogenesis, where they divide and differentiate into four mature sperm cells through meiosis. This process occurs in t
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Men's Health


Explain the importance of having the testis located in the scrotal sacwhich is outside the abdonimal cavity among male mammals?

Asked by Wiki User

The scrotal sac provides an external location for the testes, which is essential for maintaining proper temperature for sperm production. The lower temperature
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Men's Health


Are men with low testosterone more feminine than men with higher levels?

Asked by Wiki User

No, testosterone levels do not determine masculinity or femininity. Each individual's characteristics, behavior, and identity are influenced by a complex interp
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Men's Health


Can you speed up How fast is sperm produced by the male body?

Asked by Wiki User

Why do you need to..........? It takes on an average about 50mins to regenerate 3 million sperms. you can again have sex within the next hour..... i,e if you ha
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Men's Health


What is the future look out for people with klinefelters syndrome?

Asked by Wiki User

Individuals with Klinefelter syndrome can have a normal life expectancy with appropriate management of symptoms and Veelo Booster Reviews related health conditions. Advances in medic
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Men's Health


Why does Mineral oil lubricant dissolve latex?

Asked by Wiki User

Mineral oil is known to weaken latex over time due to its chemical composition. The oil can break down the latex material, causing it to degrade and eventually
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Men's Health


What effect does glucose give you?

Asked by Wiki User

Glucose is the main source of energy for our body's cells, providing fuel for brain function, muscle activity, and overall metabolism. However, consuming too mu
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Zoology or Animal Biology


Your penis has puss coming out of it?

Asked by Wiki User

I'm not sure what you mean by that statement, but if you are experiencing any unusual symptoms or concerns related to your genital area, it is recommended to se
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Men's Health


Why do people with Klinefelter's syndrome and Turner's syndrome still exist in the population despite their infertility?

Asked by Wiki User

People with Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) and Turner's syndrome (XO) can still have children through assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilizati
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Men's Health


Why DeNovo path way absent in RBC and brain?

Asked by Shasha27

The De Novo pathway for purine synthesis is absent in mature red blood cells because they lack a nucleus and therefore cannot synthesize new enzymes needed for
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Men's Health


What is the molecular structure of Viagra?

Asked by Wiki User

The molecular structure of Viagra, also known as sildenafil, consists of a pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidin-7-one core with a methylpiperazine substituent at the 1-posi
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Men's Health


If sperm comes very quickly what will be the side effects on male?

Asked by Wiki User

Rapid ejaculation can lead to sexual dissatisfaction, performance anxiety, and relationship problems. It may also result in feelings of embarrassment or inadequ
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Men's Health


How does the male reproduction system contributes to your health and survival?

Asked by Wiki User

The male reproductive system produces sperm, which is essential for fertilizing an egg to create offspring. It also plays a role in the production of testostero
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Men's Health


What is the biggest hawk in the world and how big is it?

Asked by Wiki User

The biggest hawk in the world is the Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis), with a wingspan of about 4.5 to 5.5 feet (137 to 168 cm) and a length of around 22 to 27
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Men's Health


What is the affect of Klinefelter Syndrome?

Asked by Wiki User

Klinefelter Syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs in males when they have an extra X chromosome. This can lead to infertility, reduced testicular size, an
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Men's Health


What does fungus look like on a testicle?

Asked by Wiki User

Fungus on a testicle may appear as red, irritated skin with raised bumps or patches that are itchy or painful. It may present as a rash, with flaking skin or un
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Men's Health


Can you buy Viagra from boots the chemist over the counter?

Asked by Wiki User

No, you cannot buy Viagra over the counter without a prescription from Boots the Chemist or any other pharmacy in the UK. Viagra is a prescription-only medicati
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