Christopher Treehouse Bed: It's Not As Expensive As You Think > 자유게시판

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Christopher Treehouse Bed: It's Not As Expensive As You Think

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작성자 Vada 작성일24-02-22 04:21 조회6회 댓글0건


heshu-3ft-treehouse-bunk-bed-cabin-bed-frame-mid-sleeper-with-canopy-ladder-cabin-tent-bed-frame-for-children-boys-girls-209-x-206-x-97-8-cm-white-uk-fast-shippment-2531.jpgTree House Twin Bunk Bed From Pottery Barn

Turn your kids bedroom into a sky-high retreat that encourages imagination with this tree house twin bunk bed. It was designed with safety in mind, this bunk bed comes with a stationary ladder, as well as strong railings on the top bunk.

Over 3500 customers have rated this bed a five-star rating. Its classic design allows it to adapt to your kids, allowing them to separate into two twin beds when they reach the age of teens.

Product Description

This tree house twin bunkbed from Pottery Barn is the ideal addition to your child's room. It's fun and functional. This playhouse-in a-box is great for children who like to spend time with friends or siblings sharing a bedroom. This wooden bunk bed, which is space-saving, has a built-in ladder, as well as two guardrails at the top of the bunk to ensure your child's safety.

The bunks are a neutral, light grey finish, made of solid pine that will match almost every color scheme in the bedroom. The natural wood grain knots, imperfections and knots make each piece of furniture a unique personality while also providing added durability. These bunk beds meet or exceed the safety standards set by the federal government and state governments to ensure that your children will sleep comfortably. This bunk bed accommodates two twin mattresses (sold separately), and the lower bed is at floor height to stop your kids from falling out of their beds as they climb into or out of their upper bunks.

This bunk bed is a great space-saving option and has plenty of storage underneath for clothes, toys and other necessities for the bedroom. It's perfect for smaller rooms where children share a space or parents who want to make space in larger homes. The sturdy ladder can be placed on either side of frame.

The fun design of the bunks will encourage your children to think about the adventures they could have in their cozy cabin. This bunk is a fantastic option for young children who are afraid of sleeping on bunks that are high. This bunk also does away with the need for a box spring because it features supportive slats that evenly distribute weight and reduce sagging over time. It is manufactured in the USA, and meets or surpasses all CPSC safety standards as well as ASTM standards for beds for children.

Product Details

RC Willey adds enjoyment of bedtime with this fun twin-over-twin bunk bed. The solid wood-forged design of this bed is constructed to last, making sure your kids get restful sleep that lasts. Kids will be thrilled to imagine themselves inside their own tree house and the sturdy built-in ladder makes it easy to get into and out of bed.

The top bunk is protected by sturdy guardrails that prevent children from rolling over during the night. This provides parents with peace of mind when they lie down to sleep. This twin-over-twin bunk bed is suitable for both girls and boys, and its classic farmhouse design will match any child's bedroom decor.

This bunk bed is a fantastic space-saver, thanks to the built-in ladder that connects two twin mattresses. It is perfect for siblings who share a bedroom, or for children who host friends for sleepovers. This bunk bed is made using high-quality pine wood and Tree House Twin Bunk Bed the natural knots and grain patterns create a unique look to each piece.

The fun bunk bed comes in a range of modern designs, so you'll be able to find the perfect one for your bedroom for your child. Pick a soft white finish to brighten up any room, or a weathered gray for rustic, cozy look. Fresh paint finishes are available to add some color to any bedroom for kids.

This bunk is designed to last for a long time usage. It features headboards and footboards with slats as well as a 14-inch railing along the top bunk, as well as an incline-built staircase that is stationary. The bottom bunk's slatted structure offers enough support for your child's mattress and eliminates the need for boxsprings. It also increases airflow, making the bed more comfortable.

The treehouse canopy bunk bed is the stuff of dreams. It's ideal for families with siblings sharing a room or for kids who invite friends to sleepover. It can be divided into two separate, free-standing twin beds when your children reach teen age which means it can last well beyond the age of.

Product Options

This bunk bed will remind your kids of their most loved play fort or treehouse in the backyard. It is truly what dreams are made of, providing the possibility of playing in a way that's comfortable and secure.

This bunk bed comes in two rustic pine finishes. It also has strong guardrails and an integrated staircase. The bunks can accommodate twin mattresses (sold separately) which means your kids can sleep comfortably all night. It's also a great choice for siblings sharing a room or for kids who love to have friends over for a sleepover.

The front of the upper bunk with its gorgeous windows and open roof can also serve as an effective safety rail, reducing the risk that your child may fall off the top bunk in the middle of the night. It's a feature you can feel confident in, and one that your kiddos will be thrilled to have.

This unique bunk bed is an excellent investment for your kids that will evolve with them, thanks to a thoughtful design. When your children reach the age where they prefer to be able to sleep on their own and are able to separate the bunks into two beds. A trundle that can be lowered from beneath the bottom twin bunk can be used to accommodate additional guests and gives your kids more space to play, sleep and dream.

Each bed is then kiln dried and engineered to meet CPSC and ASTM Standards which means you can be sure it's sturdy enough for your kids. These beds are also expertly made and designed by furniture craftsmen. They'll make a stylish addition to your child's room.

The bunk bed is delivered in flat packs with easy-to-follow instructions and must be assembled after opening. Mattresses are available separately, so be sure to add your favorite style and size to complete the bunk bed. RC Willey offers local delivery for free on all purchases made in-store, so you can have this bunk bed delivered at no additional cost.

Product Warranty

This bunk bed is crafted using high-quality pine wood. It's available in three fresh finishes that can easily enhance your children's bedroom design. Choose a creamy French white to brighten the room, or with brushed gray for a contemporary farmhouse look or a vintage navy to create a classic kids' bunk bed that will last through the teenage years.

The top twin bed features a house facade that doubles as a safety rail to limit the risk of rollout and ensure your child is asleep comfortably. There's also a traditional ladder to access the top bunk, which can be removed from underneath the roof when it's not in use.

A spacious open nightstand offers a convenient storage spot for your kids' clothing and books, as well as toys. the lower twin bed has closed side rails to keep their mattress safe and clean. This unique bunk bed is sure to create a stunning focal point in your child's bedroom and is the perfect solution for rooms with limited floor space or for kids who love to play with their friends.

As with all Pottery Barn kids' furniture the treehouse twin bunk bed is expertly crafted from responsibly sourced solid pine wood with natural wood knots and grains for one-of-a-kind character and charm. The sturdy construction guarantees it will last through years of tween and teen sleepovers. It's also designed to adapt to your children and can accommodate two twin mattresses in a bunk-style configuration during childhood and detaching into two free-standing beds to create the ultimate tween or teen loft.

Please note that this product ships directly from the manufacturer. RC Willey Delivery will not be available. Assembly is required. This task can take 2 adults around 3-4 hours. All the tools, hardware, and instructions are included.

This bunk bed is a wonderful addition to any child's room and will encourage imaginative play and sweet dreams. This bed is built to last for many years and will allow you to enjoy sleepovers with friends and family. The sturdy ladder and guardrails provide security, while the large window detail on the top bunk lets natural light to shine in during the day. Add curtains or a gazebo to the adorable bunk bed for more design options.


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